Cách để xóa đường dẫn danh mục hay chuyên mục có chữ /category/ trên đường dẫn website sử dụng wordpress, các bạn chỉ cần làm như sau ? Nếu trường hợp code trên không hoạt động thì có thể do WordPress đang cache đang cache cấu trúc đường dẫn, chúng ta cần vào [ Settings ( Cài đặt ) ] => [ Permalinks ( Đường dẫn tĩnh ) ] => bấm [ Save changes ] để cập nhật lại cấu trúc đường dẫn.
Thêm đoạn code sau vào file functions.php
/* actions */ add_action( 'created_category', 'remove_category_url_refresh_rules' ); add_action( 'delete_category', 'remove_category_url_refresh_rules' ); add_action( 'edited_category', 'remove_category_url_refresh_rules' ); add_action( 'init', 'remove_category_url_permastruct' ); /* filters */ add_filter( 'category_rewrite_rules', 'remove_category_url_rewrite_rules' ); add_filter( 'query_vars', 'remove_category_url_query_vars' ); // Adds 'category_redirect' query variable add_filter( 'request', 'remove_category_url_request' ); // Redirects if 'category_redirect' is set function remove_category_url_refresh_rules() { global $wp_rewrite; $wp_rewrite->flush_rules(); } function remove_category_url_deactivate() { remove_filter( 'category_rewrite_rules', 'remove_category_url_rewrite_rules' ); // We don't want to insert our custom rules again remove_category_url_refresh_rules(); } /** * Removes category base. * * @return void */ function remove_category_url_permastruct() { global $wp_rewrite, $wp_version; if ( 3.4 <= $wp_version ) { $wp_rewrite->extra_permastructs['category']['struct'] = '%category%'; } else { $wp_rewrite->extra_permastructs['category'][0] = '%category%'; } } /** * Adds our custom category rewrite rules. * * @param array $category_rewrite Category rewrite rules. * * @return array */ function remove_category_url_rewrite_rules( $category_rewrite ) { global $wp_rewrite; $category_rewrite = array(); /* WPML is present: temporary disable terms_clauses filter to get all categories for rewrite */ if ( class_exists( 'Sitepress' ) ) { global $sitepress; remove_filter( 'terms_clauses', array( $sitepress, 'terms_clauses' ) ); $categories = get_categories( array( 'hide_empty' => false, '_icl_show_all_langs' => true ) ); add_filter( 'terms_clauses', array( $sitepress, 'terms_clauses' ) ); } else { $categories = get_categories( array( 'hide_empty' => false ) ); } foreach ( $categories as $category ) { $category_nicename = $category->slug; if ( $category->parent == $category->cat_ID ) { $category->parent = 0; } elseif ( 0 != $category->parent ) { $category_nicename = get_category_parents( $category->parent, false, '/', true ) . $category_nicename; } $category_rewrite[ '(' . $category_nicename . ')/(?:feed/)?(feed|rdf|rss|rss2|atom)/?$' ] = 'index.php?category_name=$matches[1]&feed=$matches[2]'; $category_rewrite[ '(' . $category_nicename . ')/page/?([0-9]{1,})/?$' ] = 'index.php?category_name=$matches[1]&paged=$matches[2]'; $category_rewrite[ '(' . $category_nicename . ')/?$' ] = 'index.php?category_name=$matches[1]'; } // Redirect support from Old Category Base $old_category_base = get_option( 'category_base' ) ? get_option( 'category_base' ) : 'category'; $old_category_base = trim( $old_category_base, '/' ); $category_rewrite[ $old_category_base . '/(.*)$' ] = 'index.php?category_redirect=$matches[1]'; return $category_rewrite; } function remove_category_url_query_vars( $public_query_vars ) { $public_query_vars[] = 'category_redirect'; return $public_query_vars; } /** * Handles category redirects. * * @param $query_vars Current query vars. * * @return array $query_vars, or void if category_redirect is present. */ function remove_category_url_request( $query_vars ) { if ( isset( $query_vars['category_redirect'] ) ) { $catlink = trailingslashit( get_option( 'home' ) ) . user_trailingslashit( $query_vars['category_redirect'], 'category' ); status_header( 301 ); header( "Location: $catlink" ); exit; } return $query_vars; }
Tagged with: code xóa category, share code, xóa url category
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